Friday, July 11, 2014


My first thought we I see those numbers is of the convenience store chain.

I grew up where a visit to the corner 7-11 was a daily occurrence.  I would

count out 25 pennies that I had liberated from my brother Terry's stash,

and make my way three blocks to count out an equal number of Fireballs.

The clerk then had to count to 50.  He dreaded my arrival.

Good times.

But on this 7-11, July 11th, a couple of events in my family's

history are top of mind for me.

The photo I've attached is of my Mom and Dad, taken on this date

in 1969, on the occasion of my oldest brother Terry's wedding.

Dad was 51 1/2 and my Mom would turn 50 in November.

He would serve as the "Best Man" for each of his three boys,

because he was.

25 years to the day prior to that event, Dad came ashore on Utah Beach

in Normandy, as part of Patton's 4th Armored Division.

Mom and Dad are no longer with us physically. but through the 

power of a picture I can hold them again.

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