Saturday, May 10, 2014

We laughed til we cried......


This headline caught my eye about a week ago...

Researchers have discovered that hearty laughter improves short term memory,

lowers blood pressure and stress hormone levels, and that 10-15 minutes of

hearty laughter can burn up to 40 calories...

With that in mind, we saw our favorite comedian, Brian Regan, at the DPAC this


His opening act, Tom Ryan, was really good and performed for 30 minutes.

Brian did an hour and then another 10 as an encore...We appreciate Brian so much,

and have been goin' to see him for 20+ years.  We works clean and is so relatable with his

observational style. Check him out on YouTube or Netflix. I hope you'll like him.

If not, find somethin' or someone you find to be hysterical, and watch them A LOT.

Laughter mixed with tears because you're laughin' so hard feels so GOOD.

Plus, from my perspective, tonight my blood pressure dropped 17 points, I burned off

a bunch of those fries I had with dinner, and I remembered where I parked my car...

Thanks Tom.

Thanks Brian...

They filled my prescription for punchlines tonight...

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