Sunday, June 1, 2014

"Mamma Mia!" onstage and stuck in my head....

Marianne introduced me to musical theater, and I introduced her to........shooting.

She and I have enjoyed many visits to stage shows, including "Phantom Of The Opera",

"My Fair Lady", "Jersey Boys" and our favorite, "Les Miserables"...

Tonight we took in "Mamma Mia!" at the Durham Performing Arts Center.

Great show that's been around since 1999.  We've seen it probably four times,

and it's just a blast.  The story is set on a Greek island and is based on hit songs

from the Swedish pop group, ABBA.  Brilliant concept as everybody already

knows the music. Heck, I played all of their songs on the radio...when they were


I never could get myself to see the 2008 movie version however.  I'm used to

Pierce Brosnan as James Bond, and let's face it, there's just some things you

can't "un-see" or "un-hear"...His license to kill did not include with his voice...

So, for the next week or two, if you roll up next to me at a stop light, understand

that you may be hearing ABBA's "Waterloo", "S.O.S." or maybe "Honey Honey".

I might be wearin' a cap pulled down low, sunglasses and a fake beard, but

I'm sure to be singin' along.

I'm so grateful that Marianne dragged me to the theater so many years ago.

And I think she's glad that I taught her to shoot a pistol.

Now she wants me to teach her how to load a pistol.

I may be dumb, but I ain't stupid.

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