Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Fathers Day......

Our daughter Jessica took this photo of my Dad's hands in the final months

of his life... I've often thought of what he had done with them throughout his

time on Earth...
They swung a baseball bat, a golf club and a hammer...

They banged out songs on the piano though he couldn't read a note...

They brought on some tears and wiped others away...

They picked up his first cigarette and put his last one down...

They performed magic tricks and rarely lost a game of checkers...

They held guns, baby bottles and the Bible...

They repaired pretty much everything...

They were often cut or bruised...

They were decorated by his granddaughters....

They raised three boys...

They displayed his wedding ring for almost 60 years...

And so much more.

I hope when you think of your Dad's hands your memories are as good as mine...

Happy Fathers Day.....

"My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man..."


  1. Your hands already have stories to tell. There are many more to come. I'm anxious to see what adventures have yet to be written.

  2. Amazing photo - and a beautiful sentiment.
